This natural rubble also recreates the natural habitat of decapods, copepods, sponges and other natural reef foods. This grade, rich in texture and soft color, is perfect for most any marine aquaria, but especially suited for burrowing fish and invertebrates eager to use the largest bits for burrow construction. Ocean Direct's Original Grade is Caribbean live sand with its natural particle breakdown an overall fine material with smooth oolitic grains on the lower end of the spectrum, increasing to small bits of real reef rubble on the high end. Simply Perfect - Ocean Direct supplies the perfect union of physics and biology. Ocean Direct provides you with a thriving, natural aquarium in minutes.
#40 lbs oolite sand free
Each bag includes a packet of Bio Magnet clarifier to reposition the free floating bacteria to where they are most active sand beds, surfaces of live rocks, and to biological filtration media. This results in high counts of natural and beneficial bacteria with no noxious buildup of metabolic by products.

The thin film is open to the atmosphere for unparalleled gas exchange. Every grain of Ocean Direct is coated with bacteria and encapsulated by capillary action in a thin film of real ocean water. Every bag of Ocean Direct is alive and breathing with up to 1000 times more beneficial bacteria than other preservation methods. This live sand utilizes patent pending Sea Breathe laser technology which preserves real live sand with its own original bacteria. Simply Effective - Ocean Direct is different than all other live sand products on the market. Simply Natural - Enjoy this real Caribbean live sand in a breathable bag with no added chemicals or special processing.