
A song of ice and fire tv tropes
A song of ice and fire tv tropes

a song of ice and fire tv tropes

Jaime and Cersei, since incestuous adultery doesn't go over well.The Secret of Long Pork Pies: Wyman Manderly loves a nice hot Frey Pie.Tyrion starts to feel this way about Shae, until she falsely testifies against him for plotting to murder Joffrey, and then when he finds her in his father's bed, he kills her. Second Love: Brienne and Jaime, coming on the heels of Renly's death and Cersei's philandering, respectively.In A Dance With Dragons, Mance Rayder goes undercover as "Abel", alluding to a famous undercover wilding named Bael.

a song of ice and fire tv tropes a song of ice and fire tv tropes

Alleras, who is most likely Sarella Sand in disguise.Olenna Tyrell has the nickname "The Queen of Thorns" for this very reason as well. Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!: Walder Frey, to the extreme.Science Destroys Magic: Possibly the goal of some of the Maesters at the Citadel.See Facial Horror, Fingore and Red Right Hand. Scars Are Forever: All over the place, from facial wounds and pox scars to An Arm and a Leg.Many fans also suspect that Lyanna Stark was the mystery knight at the Harrenhal tournament. Also The Archer Alleras is generally assumed to be Sarella Sand, one of Oberyn Martell's bastard daughters. Samus Is a Girl: Brienne of Tarth wins a tournament before it's revealed that she's a woman (though an interesting case because everyone present other than Catelyn knows who she is and most disapprove of her winning because she's a woman).One victim was a guy who did nothing worse than cheat at dice Randyll sentenced him to having one hand broken and the other pierced by a nail. Randyll Tarly also uses these when he judges the people of Maidenpool. When he punished a minstrel for mocking his parents, he gave him the choice of keeping his fingers or tongue. Sadistic Choice: King Joffrey Baratheon is very fond of these.Dolorous Edd embraces the trope literally with morbid, deadpan wisecracks. Sad Clown: Tyrion Lannister is a deeply unhappy man who copes with sharp humor even when it's unwise.Though Varamyr's spirit lives on in his wolf One-Eye. Sacrificial Lamb: Thus far the POV character in the prologue or epilogue will, without exception, die.The fact that guests were slaughtered in the Red Wedding makes the betrayal doubly outrageous in the eyes of Westeros. Catelyn urges Robb to request bread and salt from a hostile host as soon as possible to ensure that his stay is safe. Several characters specifically plan their aggressive actions so as not to break the laws of hospitality. The legend of the Rat King suggests that the gods will take vengeance on those who break them. Sacred Hospitality: The laws of hospitality are considered very important in Westeros.He tries very hard not to let it get to him. Ser Jaime Lannister has one thanks to his murder of King Aerys.The House of Codd embodies this trope so much that they make it their house words: "Though All Men Do Despise Us.".Nevertheless, Joffrey gets a little sympathy and people believe he has evil counselors: the eunuch Varys and the evil monkey demon Tyrion. Joffrey is hated due to his petty cruelty and lack of concern for his subjects, and Cersei quickly alienates herself due to her inability to consolidate her power. When Cersei and Joffrey take the Iron Throne, both of them become extremely unpopular.The only crime higher than kingslaying, the septons say, is kinslaying, but guest right seems to be held by many to be above even that. House Frey is utterly despised by other noble houses for not only backstabbing the Starks and Tullys, but also violating the cardinal rule of hospitality in Westerosi culture.Subjective tropes and audience reactions go to the YMMV page. See also A Song of Ice and Fire/Tropes A To I and A Song of Ice and Fire/Tropes J To R. This page covers tropes found in A Song of Ice and Fire.

A song of ice and fire tv tropes