His last service was held at Church José Obrero in Obrera Sur and then he was buried at Panteón Jardines del Recuerdo. Ruiz had been employed at the newspaper La Prensa de Monclova for 7–8 months and as a cameraman for Channel 4 in Monclova for three years. He was a photographer and he had received the State Student Award in 2010 for his work. Luis Ruiz was a twenty-one-year-old college student who was in his third year studies of communication at the Universidad Metropolitana de Monclova. Luis Emanuel Ruiz Carrillo, the eldest son, helped his mother, who worked in a steel plant, earn more money for her and her three sons.
La nota roja de monterrey tv#
After becoming a TV star, Cerda had appeared at charity events and let his name to causes. Since Cerda was playing the stereotypical gang member, he often made the "clicka" hand motion, which has been associated with the drug cartel Los Zetas. While Cerda played a street thug who danced to Colombian music, Burgos played the role of his sidekick dog, who was known as "El Perro Guarumo". Cerda was recognized nationally for his comedy routine with partner Oscar Burgos. At the time of his murder, Cerda was a TV personality and host for the popular Televisa program El Club ("The Club"). Before he became an entertainer, Cerda was a bricklayer. José Luis Cerda Meléndez was a former gang member and drug addict, who began using drugs at 10 and went into treatment at a halfway house at age 30, and after rehabilitation turned to entertainment.

He became an innocent bystander when he was with the target of a drug cartel murder.

1991 – 25 March 2011) was a student and working journalist who had traveled from Monclova, Coahuila, to Monterrey for an interview with Cerda. Cerda's cousin Juan Roberto Gómez was also a victim. 1978 – 25 March 2011) was a Mexican TV personality on Televisa national network in Monterrey who was popularly known as La Gata, a stereotype of a gang member, on the TV show El Club ("The Club"). On the same day of the murder, a coalition of Mexican media signed "Agreement for News Coverage of Violence" that would give media a unified strategy for portraying cartels in media, which was meant to make it safer for journalists like Ruiz.

The triple murder was attributed to a symbolic connection between Cerda, the media entertainer, and Los Zetas, which had become the target of other drug cartels. Murder of José Luis Cerda Meléndez and Luis Emanuel Ruiz Carrillo is about the triple murder of a journalist, a TV show host and the TV host's cousin on 25 March 2011 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. La Prensa de Monclova and Channel 4 (Monclova)